World Day for Grandparents & Elderly

Sunday July 25, 2021

“I am with you always” (Mt 28:20): this is the promise the Lord made to his disciples before he ascended into heaven. They are the words that he repeats to you today, dear grandfathers and grandmothers, dear elderly friends.

These are the first words of Pope Francis’ message for next Sunday, World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Especially during these pandemic times it is so important to reach out to our grandparents and elderly friends, to ensure they know they are not alone, to share stories and time together. If you are able to safely visit with the elderly people in your life over the next week, either in person, on the phone or online, we encourage you to do so. Perhaps offer to bring them to Mass, or if they are not ready to join us in person yet perhaps you can arrange for them to be able to watch Mass online or listen to the homily posted on the St. Francis website. Whatever makes sense for your family, we simply encourage you to connect with your elderly loved ones, pray with them and show them that you are with them always.

During your visit you could read Pope Francis’ message together, or listen to him read it to you:

You can pray together the prayer written for today:

You could watch the video created by the Canadian Catholic Bishops:

You can read the text of this message by turning on the closed captions for the video or by clicking here for a copy you can print.

We will pray in particular for our grandparents and elderly parishioners at Mass this weekend, may God bless them with health, love and peace.