Laudato Si’ Environmental Action Plan

Pope Francis has launched a Laudato Si’ Environmental Platform, with 7 goals to address climate change, asking that parishes worldwide commit to making real, practical and meaningful changes over the next 7 years, hoping that we can become better stewards of the Earth.

We are pleased to announce that St. Francis of Assisi Parish has made a commitment to develop our own parish Laudato Si’ Environmental Action Plan, to help each of our families individually and the parish as a whole come to appreciate God’s Creation in a deeper way and to learn how to live as part of Creation.

1000 Parishioners of St. Francis
x 1000 Small Changes
= 1 Million Collective Differences!

We invite you to watch Pope Francis’ video encouraging people all over the world to make a commitment to living an Integral Ecology. Below the video is a summary of the Goals for our Laudato Si’ Environmental Action Plan. As our plan unfolds you can check back here for updates, and watch the parish bulletin for upcoming projects you can get involved in. If you have any ideas or questions please contact the Parish Office!

Click here to browse the Laudato Si’ Action Platform website

Meet the Team:

  • Chair: Clayton Klaver, retired WCDSB teacher and current nurturer of nature
  • Member: Wanda Cakebread, retired teacher/chaplain and person of hope
  • Members: Francis & Valerie, parents advocating at their children’s school
  • Member: Sandy Milne, ecumenical, interfaith and Faith Climate Justice liaison
  • Member: Elizabeth Sauer, professor and Development & Peace advocate
  • Staff Member: Alice Soeder, Admin Assistant and Apostle of the Resurrection

We would love to add more members to our team, if you would like to join us please contact the parish office at or 519-745-7301.